The Curious Place Afterschool in Waterbury

WHEN: April 4 to June 13, Thursdays 2:30- 4:45 pm (No program during school breaks)
REHEARSALS: At Brookside Primary School, PERFORMANCE: Brookside Primary School Gym at 4 PM
Click here to complete the registration form.*
*Please note: You must complete both the payment registration AND the linked registration form to be fully registered.
The Curious Place Theatre of Spruce Peak Arts is delighted to present the classic Winnie-the Pooh with our Waterbury community. Join us in the hundred-acre wood with Winnie the Pooh and friends. This play will explore the many adventures of Winnie the Pooh with his friends: Christopher Robin, Piglet, Tigger, Rabbit, Owl, Eeyore, Kanga, Roo, and many other creatures in the woods. The story is based on the books by AA Milne and illustrated by E H Shepard.
All students will have a role. The beauty of this classic story is the great diversity and depth of characters. We will focus on building these characters, learning blocking, and bringing scenes alive with story.
The final performance will be in the Brookside Primary gym, rehearsals are at the Brookside Primary School.