
Lights Festival

Light a tree – spark a future! Give today to support the artists of tomorrow! Help us reach $50,000 with your gift to the 23/24 Lights Festival Campaign.

  • Support Vermont-based artists by guaranteeing a competitive artistic fee, professional marketing materials, and unique opportunities for community engagement.
  • Prioritize accessibility to audiences by offering low-priced tickets and opportunities to participate through live-stream so everyone is able to join us.
  • Grow Vermont’s creative community by centering and celebrating the arts in our region and providing robust arts education programs to our local school districts!


Prioritizing accessibility and inclusivity

Spruce Peak Arts is proud to serve diverse communities in central and northern Vermont and accessibility to performances is vital to our mission to be our region’s curated window to the world. Your donation to this year’s Lights Festival campaign ensures accessibility by helping to subsidize ticket costs for Homegrown in Vermont performances, ensuring an inclusive audience and bringing us all together to celebrate local talent!

Growing Vermont’s Creative Community

The Homegrown in Vermont series gives Vermont artists the opportunity to perform on a professional stage, guarantees a competitive fee, and provides marketing assets to support their career goals. Your donation will help bring local artists together with students, families, and audiences to share, reflect, celebrate, and inspire.

Be part of this gift to our local artists and make your donation today!

Make your gift online today. You can also mail your check, made out to Spruce Peak Arts to:

Spruce Peak Arts
122 Hourglass Drive
Stowe, VT 05672

Or contact  Michelle Kennedy, Director of Development, mkennedy@sprucepeakarts.org 802-371-8053.