
Student matinee Series

Connect children, teachers, and schools with the performing arts in deep and meaningful ways.  Together, we bring performances to Vermont that both complement school curriculum, and introduce students to new worlds.

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Homeschool groups/ parents: purchase tickets by clicking the event titles linked below. 

All shows are 60-70 minutes.

Please see below for show details. Here is the list of upcoming performances:

  • My Father’s Dragon- Monday, November 4, 2024, 10:00 AM and 12 noon, grades k-5
  • Doktor Kaboom!- Monday, January 27, 2025, 11:00 AM, grades 3-8
  • A Year with Frog and Toad- Wednesday, March 19, 2025 , 10:00 AM and 12 noon, grades Prek- 5
  • Lightwire Theater- Moon Mouse- Monday, March 31, 2025, 10:00 AM and 12 noon, grades K- 5

Upcoming Student Matinees:

    Moon Mouse: A Space Odyssey

    March 31

    Marvin the Mouse wants to be popular. Constantly bullied and picked on by the “cool” rats, he is labeled as a loser and a geek. As respite from the continuous badgering, Marvin retreats into his science books and a world of fantasy. He longs to have adventures and be the hero. Join Marvin on the space adventure of a lifetime: a trip to the surface of the moon on his homemade rocket where he meets a strange cast of misfit creatures, learns of infinite peril, and views awesome beauty.  This glow-in-the-dark adventure is visually amazing and has been praised for its cutting-edge blend of puppetry, technology, and dance by audiences all over the world.

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    The Littlest Cove

    June 8

    The Littlest Cove is an immersive discovery play for the very young, ages 3-6. Written by Mara McEwin, choreographed by Emily Bunning, The Littlest Cove is full of wonder, visuals and tactile interactive experiences. The play follows the lives of 3 unusual creatures, who reside on the edge of a small coastal inlet, off of an island, that no one in the entire world has ever discovered before. Audiences soon discover that they too, are a part of this enchanting world and are immersed in the storytelling through play, exploration and community interactions with the set, props and performers.

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