thank you to our members
Members are the foundation of all Spruce Peak Arts offers to our community!
If you’re not currently a member of Spruce Peak Arts, please join today.
Thank you to all of our supporters!
List current as of March 29, 2024.
Nancy Angell and David Pierre
Deborah and Ron Feinstein
Abby Johnson and Chris McKown
Lisa and Dan Lehan
The Merson Family
The Winn Family
The Ketterson Family
Diane Arnold and Dean Goodermote
Elizabeth Daigle
Lisa Hagerty and George Gay
Lisa McGovern and Jonathan Wallace
Vermont Wine Merchants
Carl and Marcia Stewart
Jill and Roger Witten
Michael and Jennifer Worden
Annie Bartlett
Sisler Builders
Mirza and Jessica Cavalic
Caroline Dagher
Marissa Muller
Joan and David Genser
Glazer Family
Polly and Ryan Green
The Marinella Family Foundation
Dan Jennings
Richard Goodwin and Rachel Lampert
Sara and William Miller
Samia and Ameek Ponda
Andrew Chmura
Jana Ross & Jeffrey Hermann
Leslie Abramson and Fred Rossman
Tracey Smith-Patch and Ted Patch
Tom Shively and Lisa Coney
Josh and Nancy Solomon
Frank and Jennifer Sousa
Nancy and Bill Steers
Jenny Steingart
Kim Yellin and Marc Stern
Jill Boardman and Ed Izzo
Dina Ciarimboli and Kenneth Gordon
Stowe Cider
David and Helen Clancy
Diane Conway
Natalie DeNormandie
John and Heather Fargis
David Farr
Gracie Loggins
Christa Matukaitis
Tom and Melissa Nigro
Helen Reiss and Norm Nishioka
Paul and Claudia Sauchelli
David and Barbara Siegel
Molly and Sam Gaines
Anonymous (2)
Clark and Saranne Abbott
Sophie Brechu-West and Antoine Brechu
Rob and Barb Coster
Dawn and Kevin D’Arcy
Peentz Dubble and Lance Olson
Ken Forbes
Elliot Fox
Stephen and Anita Friedman
Lauren and John Handrahan
Jim and Robi Hodge
Wendy and Brian Levey
Meg and James O’Brien
Anne and Barry Pius
Andrew Popelka
Eduardo and Sarah Rovetto
Bethany Salvas
Christopher Altadonna
Living Better Nutrition
Michele Comtois
Llyn Ellison
Robert and Kimberly Fien
Tucker Fossiano
Gita and Peter Givertzman
Marcie and Tom Hesier
Bob and Francesca Hildreth
Steven Levine
Michele Pressman and Deborah Levy
Casella Waste Management
Nancy McClellan
Lucinda and Jeffrey McKechnie
Hinda Miller
Elizabeth Minko
Courtney Polhemus
Donna Reback
Adam and Noelle Rosenberg
Carolyn Ruschp and Walter Levering
Sean Ryan
Chris Shea
Debra and Stephen Sherman
Caroline and Gerald Smith
Alan and Ellen Thorndike
Judith Vanderryn
Kristina and Walter Frame
Ronna and Arnold Ziegel
Daniel “15” and Karen Akins
Maha Alzayani
Genevieve and Peter Anderson
Michael Bartholomew
Ezra Beinhaker
Christopher Bellber
Elizabeth Benedict
Taylor Bennett
Carvel and Betty Bevans
Geoffrey Bok
Susan Braver
Brian Brgant
Jim Brochhausen
Barry Burnside
Nicole Cain
Christopher Cain
Christian and Andrea Carey
Kristine Carlson
Anne Cavan
Damien Chaviano
Paul and Mer
Michael Cirami
Amy Cobaugh
Susan Coffey
Richard Conte
Jackie Corbally
Jill Cote
Jo Sabel
Anne Cramer
Elliot Curtin
Stan and Suzanne Danzig
Jeff Davis
Tad Davis
Vivian Denardo
Laura Desmarais
Jane and Greg Diorio
Andrea Dobson
Doreen Donovan
Nan Doyal
Mark Drinkwater
Brandon Dunn
Dorrit and Stephen Edwards
Paul Englehart
Amy Farley
Laura Fisher
Peggy Freedson
Kalev Freeman
Laura Fried
Erika Furey
Janet Galchus
Matthew Gates
Lynne Gedanken
Bryan Gillam
Mark Giometti
Janet Gorgone
Matt Guffey
Kimberly Hageman
Peter Hanson
Jozef Harrewyn
KK Harvey
Jaime Hendrix
Paul Hertz
Andrew Hickey
Michael Seaberg and Shannon Hillpot
Caitlin Hollister
Missy & Tom Burgess III
Connie Isacken
Rich Jarrett
Megan and John Karacalidis
Sean and Sue Kearney
Stephanie Krukar
Steven Kulpa
Piper Laidlaw
Mary Laidlaw
Alex Lamanno
Jennifer Lamb
Roderick Lamothe
Kenny Langdell
Ken and Debby Lasden
Rebecca Leipert
Amy and Paul Loughran
David Lourie
Aida Luce
Carole Magoffin
Jaimee Martin
Susan Martins-Phipps
Lisa Matckie
Lynda McCuen
Bill McGinley
Glenn McPeters
Sandra Meditz
Melissa Mutolo
Julianne Nickerson
Michael Parker
Marc Plouffe
Athos Rassias
Paula Ratchford
Anne Marie Reilly
Barbara MacLeod Rey
Andrew Rodman
Andrea Rosenbloom
Katie Rosin
John Ross
Sandra Russo
Jill Sapphire-Goldberg
Andrew and Sarah Scholte
Vanessa and John Sciortino
David Senese
Piper Sheer
Elizabeth Sherman
William Shore
Robert Siegel
Kate Smith
Nicole Smith
Karen Stewart
Pam and John Stobierski
Kristina Stookey
Wayne Suddaby
Dawn Tartack
Cynthia Temkin
Christopher Viapiano
Cheryl Vince
Ellen and Peter Waldman
Randi Wallach
Bernard Weichsel
Christian Wilson
Steve Worona
Dianne Wyeth
Michael Zahm
We would love to add your name to our list of donors! For details on member benefits, please click here!
Did you know? With your support, every year we bring nearly 90 performances to the Stowe community and beyond, reaching thousands of people in-person and virtually. We also:
- Create multi-day residencies where artists are embedded in local schools and homeschool communities in central and northern VT, reaching thousands of students every year.
- Nurture the talent of the VT community and provide a platform to feature local VT talent.
- Provide youth and family discounts throughout the year removing means as a barrier to the transformative impact of the performing arts, including tuition assistance for camps and workshops.
- Offer local community groups, schools, and nonprofit organizations access to the Spruce Peak Arts center–a state-of-the-art resource in our backyard!
THANK YOU! If you have any questions, please get in touch with Michelle Kennedy, Director of Development, 802-371-8053.